Ancient's Playlist

Monday, August 2, 2010

My top 5 anime openings

The other day I was talking with a friend about an anime I liked a lot when I first watched it a couple years ago, and suddenly she said "I love that opening" which reminded me that I once felt like that about some animes along my "otaku life". Thanks to that I decided to post my own selection of the best anime openings I've seen so far and perhaps you won't share my opinion but everyone's got their own tastes right? =p anyway, I'll share my own taste with you all:

RECOMMENDATION: Every one of the following videos has the HD option available, but you have to play them in fullscreen for it to become available(just push on the 360p, button to switch to a higher resolution). Switch to a higher resolution if you wish to be able to read the lyrics (will change to english versions later.

~1st place~
Busou Renkin
OP N°:
Song's tittle:
Makka no Chikai (By: Yoshiki Fukuyama)
My favourite opening for quite a while, it's one of the few openings I've liked to listen at every chapter of this series (usually I get fed up with most openings and just skip them xD) or at least on almost all xD. Of course this song's in my musical media and the anime is also one of my favorites but not every good series have good openings, fortunately for me, this one does =). Damn, every time I listen to this opening I feel like watching the series again, but my ps3 is dead (damn you YLoD!) and it's stored on my ps3's HDD so I can't even if I wanted to ;o;.
If you like the opening, I recommend you the series a lot, it's got everything, from action, comedy, drama, romance, sci-fi, etc. It's a must-see ;D.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Well, I once said that I would do this someday and now I've fulfilled that promise! xD
For those few who know about my other blog, I have finally made an english version of my main blog (Ancient's Zone) that was originally in spanish. I've decided to do this since I have some english-speaking friends and I've also realized that most of the blogs I'm starting to follow are actually in english, so as to be able to exchange some news and other stuff with people, I've decided to have both my spanish and my english blog(it will be tough, I know, but I think it's actually worth giving it a try).

Well, this one will be a really short post but I'll try and translate my previous posts into this new one or perhaps I'll just translate the ones I post on the main blog (and by translating them, I mean adapting them so some of the jokes I make are understandable in english if they aren't and so).

Another thing I'll say is that there will be some posts that will only be available for this version (and viceversa) due to language's restrictions, aside from those, most posts will be made into both languages for everyone to understand and participate =).

Well, I hope to be somewhat active in here too from now on but for now...

See ya soon!